Mr. Putter and Tabby Walk the Dog

 Zeke was nightmare.
 The first day Mr. Putter and Tabby took him for a walk, he tugged.
 He tugged and tugged and tugged.
 He tugged Mr. Putter and Tabby through yards and creeks and houses they had never been through before.
 Mr. Putter and Tabby were good friends. One day, Mrs. Teaberry who lived next door to Mr. Putter slipped and needed a rest. She had a small dog, Zeke. So, she asked Mr. Putter to take care of Zeke. 

 This book made me happy. Mr. Putter, Tabby and Zeke were so cute. I want to read this series more.

nightmare  悪夢、うなされること、嫌な出来事
tug            ~を強く引く、引っ張る

