Mr. Putter and Tabby Take the Train

 The two old friends got on the train and found seats by a big window.
 The train began to roll.
 Chug. Chug. Chug.
 Mr. Putter was so happy he thought he would burst.
 And for the next four hours, he and Mrs. Teaberry had train ride of their lives.
 Of course, the backpack decided to crawl under the seat and snore.
 And the picnic basket kept batting at the window shade.
 Mr. Putter and Tabby were good friends. One day, Mrs. Teaberry who lived next to Mr. Putter called him and She told her idea. That idea was getting on trains with their pets. Mr. Putter thought pets cannot get on trains. But, Mrs. Teaberry said pets can get on trains.

 When I read this book, I thought I want to travel to. I thought I want good friends when I was old. This story made me happy.
positive  決定的な、否定しがたい、確信している
lumpy    塊だらけの、ずんぐりした、ごつごつした
snore     いびきをかく

