Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly the Plane

 Mr. Putter ran to the plane.
 He brushed the dirt off its nose.
 He told it to be a brave little plane.
 He stepped back and pressed the start button.
 But the plane did not start.
 One of it s wings fell off and it died.
 Tabby purred and purred and purred.
 Mr. Putter loved toys although he was old and he knew that he wasn't supposed to love these. He sometimes went to the toy store with Tabby. He especially loved planes, because he wanted to fly a plane when he was young. One day, when he Mr. Putter and Tabby in the toy store, he found a plane he had never seen before. It was white and red, with two wings on each side and little flag on its tail. And it had a radio control so a person might really fly it. He bought it and tried to fly it. But, it  did not fly at all...

 I liked this story. Mr. Putter and Tabby were really good friend! I want such good friends someday.

wind-up  巻き上げの、手巻きゼンマイで動く
twitch     ぴくっと動かす、ひきつらせる
pop-up   ポンと上がる型の、飛び出し式の
hiccup    しゃっくり
trapeze   空中サーカス用・体操用などのブランコ
diplane    複葉機
monoplane  単葉機
purr   猫などがゴロゴロとのどを鳴らす
lick          なめる
choke      むせる、詰まる
gag         のどを詰まらせる
clumsy    不器用な

