Mr. Putter and Tabby Catch the Cold

 "You need someone to look after you", said Mrs. Teaberry.
 "I'll be fine," said Mr. Putter.
 "You need someone," said Mrs. Teaberry.
 "I'll really be fine ," said Mr. Putter.
 "I'll send Zeke," said Mrs. Teaberry.
 "What?" said Mr. Putter.
 This book remined me when I had a cold in my childhood. I thought everyone have memories that they had a cold in their childhood. It is a good memories for everyone.

cozy      居心地の良い、気持ちよい、温かみのある
sneeze くしゃみをする
spoil  台無しになる、だめになる
loan  貸す、人を~に出向させる

