The little mermaid

Far out of in the ocean, where the water is very beautiful, it is very deep. There dwell the Sea King and his subject. In the deepest spot all of stands the castle of the Sea King. He had been a widower for many years. He had six daughters, his little princesses. They were beautiful children, but the youngest was the prettiest of all. The youngest princess was very interested in the world above the sea, but she didn’t have permission to rise up out of the sea until fifteen years old.

When she was fifteen years old, she rose up the sea at night. There was a large ship. A young prince with large, black eyes was celebrated his birthday with great display on the ship. She fell in love with him. After a while the ship was hit by a storm. She helped the prince. After that, she often rose up out of the sea to see prince. She was told her grandmother not to think about the world above the sea. However, she could not forget the charming prince. Lastly, she went to sea witch’s house. She could get feet, she lost her voice for that. How do you think what has become of her?

